Get up and down from all around.

Missing the green is terrifying and forces a well executed up and down. These practice games are all about making the hardest part of golf easy. 


Par 2 match play

Grab another person and have a one-on-one match. Start with one player picking the spot and both play from there. Start with a chip and finish out the whole with a putt. The player with the fewest strokes gets a point and is allowed to select the next spot and target. 

Up and Down

Find a chipping green with plenty of space and possibly many different lies. Pick nine spots on the green to chip from. Try to get it in the hole in no less than two strokes. If you make it in two, you get a par, in three you get a bogey. Keep repeating the game from different spots until you reach your goal. (Ex. +2 through nine). 



Ladder Golf

Place a few clubs in a row on the green about two feet apart from each other. Try to land a ball in between each rung of the club ladder. It doesn't matter where the balls ends up, it just matters where it lands. You can do them in any order or try to start from the bottom, and work your way up and back. To make it harder, add more clubs and place the ladder farther away.